domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011


Os 8os anos estão trocando emails com um grupo de alunos da Suécia.
Conheça algumas informações sobre esta cidade -
Degerfor's school

City - Degerfors
Country - Sweden

The dangerous snake is called HUGGORM.

Food from Degerfors

Gryten is a lake with a great forest around.

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011


Que tal aprender ou lembrar algumas palavras em Inglês ou em outros idiomas?

Take a look at this address and have fun -

terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011

Butão é um pequeno e fechado reino nos Himalaias, encravado entre a China e a Índia.
Neste país é hasteado bandeiras coloridas com mensagens e acredita-se que estas são enviadas pelo vento.
Inspirados na cultura de Butão, os alunos do 9o ano e 1a. série do Ensino Médio criaram suas little flags com poemas em Inglês, Português e Espanhol.

The messages are blowing in the wind! Enjoy them.

Criatividade foi o que não faltou no 6o ano matutino.
Diálogos em diferentes situações, nacionalidades e lugares surpreenderam todos.

segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2011

I am very proud to post a poetry written by a wonderful student from
High School - Lívia.
Read and enjoy it!

I was in a bad moment
Everything that I had was gone
My heart was hurt
And my life destroyed

So, you appeared to me
Like gotten out from my paradise
You were so charming and good
I couldn't resist you

But you didn't know all of my thoughts
So all of the things were unsaid
You just looked at me
And in your eyes, the love I could see

You pretended but I knew
And in a dark hallway
There was not how to escape
And, yes, you took my hand and touched my face

Everything was hidden
We were the only to know
Before I left you
You called me and whispered "Don't forget that

By Lívia Faraco da Silva
(Aluna da 2a série do Ensino Médio do Colégio Paulo Freire)

quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2011

terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011

Podemos encontrar vários sites com dicionários online e tradutores, porém muitos deles não são confiáveis e prejudicam nossos trabalhos.

Deixo a dica de um site, que além da tradução, utiliza o recurso de imagens e frases para entender o contexto que a palavra pode ser usada.

segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011

bob dylan - blowing in the wind

This video is to reflect and think about life!

domingo, 19 de junho de 2011

Are you from India? Where are you from? Is she Chinese? Are they from Germany?

Diferentes nacionalidades se encontraram e se comunicaram em Inglês na sala do 6o ano vespertino.

Congratulations for everybody.

sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2011

BBC Shakespeare Animated Tales - Hamlet - Part 1

A tip to study English and know more about some plays of the greatest writer in the English Language - SHAKESPEARE!

domingo, 24 de abril de 2011

Carta resposta da Turquia



Hi everybody !
We are from Turkey and Ankara is the capital city of it, but I live in Istanbul and here is metropolis. Turkey has gorgeous sandy beaches along its Aegean, Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts. There are are lots of people and many working areas here. Every year many people migrate to Istanbul to find a job I would like to show you where Turkiye is in the map.

As Turkey is covered with seas, the climate is very warm. We have sunny and hot Summers; and rainy and sometimes snowy Winters.

MAIDEN’S TOWER is one of the attraction. It is located in the middle of the sea. One of the girl was locked by his father. His father wanted to protect her from the evil things, so it became a legend. Now, People go and eat something there because there is a good restaurant there. It is also a romantic place

It is one of the famous mosque in Istanbul

These are the pictures of famous Bosphorus Bridge. We colour and decorate it during festivals and New Year.

quarta-feira, 6 de abril de 2011



April, 06th 2011.

We are students from Brazil. Our school is Paulo Freire. You can visit our website –
We study on the 6th grade.
Our English teacher is Gisele and we have ten teachers altogether.
We live in São José, the state is Santa Catarina.
São José is near an island - Florianópolis. It is the capital of our state and it is beautiful.
There are a lot of beaches and beautiful places.
We wait your answer.
Hugs from Brazil.